I can create listings for your property on Airbnb, Trip Advisor and VRBO.

  • $150 each listing

For 15%-20% of the booking price I can:

  • Manage the Listings including adjusting the prices daily to ensure maximum inquires.
  • Answer all inquiries in a very timely manner to ensure your high listing placement.
  • Vet the guests as much as possible to ensure they are the right guests for your property.
  • Answer questions right away from potential guests about the property and location etc.
  • Answer questions and concerns from current guests right away.

Managing Cleaners –

  • Training cleaners and initial set up of house $100
  • Scheduling $100/month – I book your cleaners according to your schedule, and communicate with them to make sure the job is done properly.

Managing maintenance – $50-$100 per visit depending on hours spent there.

  • I can book maintenance men and be there to supervise them.